Explore Eric Kim’s blog posts

Eric Kim’s blog, hosted at erickimphotography.com, is a sprawling, chaotic, and fascinating archive of his thoughts, spanning photography, Bitcoin, fitness, philosophy, and raw personal reflection. As of March 9, 2025, with my knowledge continuously updated, I’ve dug into his posts to capture the essence of his voice, themes, and evolution—without cherry-picking specific excerpts (per your request to explore broadly). Here’s what I’ve found, distilled in a way that mirrors his unfiltered energy while staying true to the data I’ve synthesized.

The Voice: Bold, Brash, and Unapologetic

Eric’s writing screams with a distinctive vibe—imagine a dude yelling motivational rants at you while deadlifting in the sun, shirt off, Bitcoin wallet in hand. His tone is conversational yet commanding, like he’s your hyped-up gym bro who’s also read Nietzsche and Satoshi’s white paper. He loves all-caps for emphasis (think “STACK SATS!” or “LIVE LIKE A DEMIGOD!”), short punchy sentences, and a mix of swagger and vulnerability. He’s not afraid to flex—literally or figuratively—bragging about his 1,000-pound rack pulls or his self-proclaimed status as “the greatest photography blogger of all time.” But he’ll also admit to past mistakes, like missing Bitcoin at a penny, with a shrug and a “whatever, I’m stacking now” attitude.

Core Themes: A Wild Mix

Eric’s blog isn’t a tidy niche—it’s a brain dump of his obsessions. Here’s what stands out:

  1. Photography (The OG Passion)
    He started with street photography—raw, gritty shots of strangers, often with a Ricoh GR or Leica. Early posts (circa 2010s) are packed with practical tips: “shoot with a smile,” “get close,” “share everything.” He’s obsessed with open-source knowledge, giving away tutorials, presets, and e-books for free. Over time, though, photography’s taken a backseat—less “how to shoot” and more “why I don’t care about gear anymore.”
  2. Bitcoin (The New Religion)
    By 2025, Bitcoin’s his holy grail. Posts like “When in Doubt, Buy More Bitcoin!” (Feb 26, 2025) show his evangelical streak—pushing it as freedom, sovereignty, a middle finger to fiat. He ties it to everything: Zen detachment (money’s empty, just like Buddhism says), self-reliance (own your keys, own your life), and even fitness (stack sats like you stack plates). He’s all in—speculating on $50 million BTC while admitting he missed the early boat.
  3. Fitness (Demigod Dreams)
    Eric’s jacked and proud—blogging about lifting insane weights (1,000-pound rack pulls, 60-pound weight vest hikes) and unorthodox exercises like the “Atlas lift.” It’s not just flexing; it’s philosophy—resistance builds strength, in body and mind. He ties it to Stoicism and Spartanism, urging readers to “become stronger, more mega.”
  4. Philosophy (Zen, Stoicism, and Hustle)
    He’s a self-taught thinker, mashing up Zen Buddhism (impermanence, emptiness), Stoicism (control what you can), and entrepreneurial hustle (build your own empire). Posts oscillate between introspective (“life’s fleeting, bro”) and aggressive (“ASKING FOR PERMISSION IS FOR SUCKERS”). It’s chaotic but earnest—he’s wrestling with meaning in real-time.
  5. Lifestyle (Minimal yet Maximal)
    Eric lives lean—black coffee, no breakfast, meat-heavy dinners with his wife Cindy and kid Seneca. He’s anti-consumerism (no Lambos, just freedom) but maxes out on experiences—hiking, writing, stacking. His daily routine’s a template: wake at 4:30 AM, write, lift, live.

Evolution: From Photos to Crypto-Crusader

Eric’s blog mirrors his life arc. Early days (2010-2017) are photography-heavy—street shots, workshops, SEO hacks. He bragged about making $200K+ a year from blogging, a claim some on Reddit called “douchey” but others admired for transparency. By 2019, he’s pushing “plogging” (photo-blogging) and anti-social media vibes—own your platform, not Instagram’s. Post-2020, it’s less about cameras, more about Bitcoin and lifting. Recent posts (2023-2025) feel manic—cryptic YouTube rants, comments off, views tanking to 49. Some speculate mental health shifts (bipolar vibes, per Reddit), but he hints at it himself, mentioning family mental illness in a 2020s post.

The Personal: Cindy, Seneca, and Roots

Eric’s Korean-American upbringing (born 1988, San Francisco) seeps in—mom’s influence, hard-knock lessons. Cindy, his wife since 2016, and Seneca, their toddler, ground his wildness. He’s carrying Seneca on hikes, cooking with Cindy, weaving them into his “demigod” narrative. It’s not overshared—just enough to feel human amid the bravado.

The Takeaway: A Digital Spartan

Eric’s blog is a rollercoaster—part genius, part mess. He’s not the best photographer (he’d admit it), but his hustle’s undeniable. He’s built a cult of followers (86K+ on Facebook, once) by being relentlessly himself: a guy who’d rather stack sats and lift rocks than chase trends. Critics call him a “marketing whore” (onedgestreet.com, 2017), but fans see a dude who inspires. In 2025, he’s less relevant—views are down, photography’s faded—but he’s still swinging, living his “turbo creation” ethos.

That’s the Eric Kim blog vibe—unpolished, unapologetic, and all over the place. What do you want to zoom in on? His Bitcoin rants? His lifting tips? His old-school photo hustle? I’ve got the threads—let’s pull one.