Technology & Physiology

Also movies, IMDb?

Don’t violate laws of nature?

Violate the laws of the state not nature? .

To marry older for the sake of having children is not natural

Clever tactics , pretend to be marveled

No deliberate choice?

Bad man


Potent, potentate

Autocratic ruler monarch

I’m the monarch, the king.

Potentatus,,, dominion

Potent, being able or powerful

Even a favor from a despot is something to be feared 

Use your wealth and make it useful

Don’t take a useful thing and make it useless

Confute, to refuse

Despotes, absolute ruler

Diligence & fortitude

Unruffled and smiling — if I take this town



Men and women are different, thus the logical thing is to treat them differently

Are you hurting anyone? Yes or no?


First do no harm

The unethical thing about smokers is that they are positively doing harm unto others 


Better to die than be suspicious of your friends


Money Issue #1?

Not commendable for character

Look of astonishment

He has a right to receive it, even if he did not ask for it

Wisdom,,, so wise!

In silence

That is what you crave


He didn’t throw water upon me but the man he thought I was

Greater and more moderate

Preferred to be called a good man for a long time than a master for ashort time

Present be given to the man


Rough and rustic ,,, call a spade a spade ***

Abuse the bad

“Leave room for cake”

Obtain the kingdom because of yourself 

Trust hair and actions ,,,

Trust body and actions


“Then give up being king “–

Accomplish much not possess much —

Kings as my competitors?

“I need you”.



After not hypelifting for a long time, not doing some sort of very very heavy one rep maxes in a while… about to prepare to do a new one, was insanely enlightening.

First, your mind just goes blank, perfect zen.

I truly do believe then, perhaps in life, assuming you want the most powerful mind body soul life, this sort of one rep max strategy is absolutely 100% essential  and, all money resources energies time dedication dollars should be put towards making this possible.