No longer needing to be “productive”

Seeking fun and novelty instead!


Desire for sunshine

Necessity for choice among ends

Choose, rank of preferences

All means are scarce



Scale of values / preferences


Life — knowing ,,, what to remain unfulfilled!


Bold ruling race

Herd animals

Creative and profound individuals

Will to power and supremacy

The will to supremacy

How to become more supreme

Danger, hardship & violence

How to elevate the human type?

The ruling caste, the future lords of the earth

Reversal of values

Particularly strong type of man!

Supreme willpower **

Becoming a free thinker

Lull into complacency

The new Columbus!

Grander morality

The new morality

Everyone would like to become God

Struggle for power –> great men!

Wit & will

Love war chariots

Sedentary vs standing thinking

Experimental living, experimental life


Lionhearted Heracles




Means to satisfy our wants


Labor, capital goods

Labor & Land

Technological idea, plan recipe

Anticipated usefulness

What if our anticipation is false?

Period of production

Labor energy, maturing time

Achieve my ends shortest time possible?

Less waiting time is preferable

Duration of serviceableness

Period of provision

Value judgement

Psychic gain, profit.

Process of imputing value to goods

Law of returns

Advertising of politicians


What if everything were privatized?

Anarchos– anti authority

Obscurity and bad writing,,, profundity
Mushiness of mind


Aristotle’s defi nition of art in the Poetics:
depicting man as he can be and should be, is typical of all art and
not the eccentric statement of one philosopher.

Depicting man as he can and should be : art

Moral message and outlook in their art



The wild Wild West?

Banks must be free to fail

Federal reserve bank — legalized counterfeiters

How to virtuously employ your time


Net present good vs future goods

Expand, expansion



Injustice porn?


Production vs leisure

Labor vs leisure

Don’t forgo leisure ,,,, for the sake of labor!


The desire to maximize leisure

Disutility — leisure forgone

Leisure x Labor

Leisure Labor

Pure play!

All capital goods are perishable


Handsomest , best physique

Don’t be king of the dead

The glorious prowess of his son

Master of every circumstance !

Wax ears, deaf! ***


The social media sirens

Bind me to the mast

Brains & strategy

Glorious armor, two spears

Foolish plan



Injustice lies & exploitation

A thing is only worth what we paid for it ***

The danger of modesty ***

Determine our own values


Go your own way

You are a destiny in yourself,bear destinies!

Heroic bearers of burden

Hero, heroic

Stout heart and shoulders

Wait no more

Legislator of value judgements

Determine the benefit, what is the benefit.

Knowledge only as a means to creation

“Thou shalt”

How high might we rise,,, to what extent can our powers go?


Good & evil

The odyssey

Your own real life as an odyssey?.


Deeply love, deeply hate , also be deeply injust


Freeze the fed!

Inflation and easy money

The right to self ownership


Skilled labor

The battle for resources

Bringing heroic gifts of bronze

Feasted in happiness ***



Happiness = feasts

The noble hero

Sleep in peace, no memberance of pain

How absurd!

Happiness is walking. Being outside in the sun?

His mind was always full of clever schemes

Known for insight and craftiness

KISS the fertile earth of his own country

Kind lets me live and raise my son! ***

The ultimate joy & privilege : having a son, and the privilege of raising your son!

Insights & truths?

Be brave!

Tireless bronze

Bronze never tires

Master of plots & plans

Origin story


Once you got freedom then what?

Armored car armored fortress


A brutal post apocolyipric world

The king.

So shiny so chrome!

Boredom is the only bad !


Good nutritious acorns


Loyal slaves


Special treat

Just use your gut judgment.

Your gut judgment is always 100% correct right and accurate, even when it is not


Changed into capital goods

Plain saving vs capitalist saving

Saving –> capital formation

Psychic income or revenue

Philosophy of ethics

How to use means to attain ends : technology

Caste system vs free market


Thank god for the free market ,,, got me out of the lower class?

Only individual interests not classes


individuals are the primary reality, not the constructed “classes”



No coercion free market

Free or voluntary

Coerced or hegemonic


Competition and new wealth can break through

Free competition, free entry ***

Economics, free market capitalism is so optimistic !

Free to compete and produce

Free Society

Competitive spur-> develop,ent

Determine the proper degree of conservation

Serve consumers

Maximum service

Psychic cost

The will to live

A cruel cruel world is a real and true world?

Scavenge .

Oil gas gas town

Hegemonic violence

Slavery, hegemony

Society continuation

All action is an exchange

Autistic exchange

Interpersonal exchange

Use value

The market

Contractual society not violence



Privileges of great educator

Beyond good and evil *

Language arts

Individual instruction

Pound sterling , one pound of silver


Thaler,,, “dollar”


1/20th gold ounce, US DOLLAR

Free float

Bimetallism is bad. Just one standard.


Our desire to move for movement

Rationing function

People’s preferences are different **

Godlike crew

I paid for many animals

Feast 6 days

Lord of Lightning

Hard worked iron

10 more generations feed, royal stores

It is my fate to stay alive


Everything changes


“You are too skeptical!”

Fine rich fat

To gods all things are possible

Cloak, tunic

Sheep and goat skins

Really bitter weather

Own, ownership of the good

Own property

Isolation autistic exchange

Deflation : lowering prices

Demonstrated preference

Saving & investment of capital

Private property and free markets is the answer

Privatize and deregulate

The dynamic innovator

Forecast the future ***


Simpler workflow