Tell me about a complicated man

Tell the old story for our modern times

Find the beginning


The brutal sack of Troy

Sail safely home to their wives

The man was friendless

Hundred cattle, hundred rams


They themselves increase it by folly



Perceptive Hermes flashed into sight

His death paid all debts

No friends

Holds up the pillars of the sea

The cloud god

More sensible than other humans

How can he get back home?

–> getting back home is the goal!

Hermes the giant slayer

Rouse the courage of his son

Notable reputation

To understand human thinking action behaviors and decisions and desires read Iliad, odyssey.


Quick attentive house slaves

Carve up heaping plates of meat

Feeling dejected?

Go courage

Gaining back his honor, control all his property

Good evening stranger and welcome. Be our guest and tell us what you need.

Share our dinner


Stores of weapons

Signing and dancing, glories of the feast

Only interested in music, a life of ease they make no contribution

Wealth and gold and fancy clothes?

Clear bright eyes

I am no prophet

He is resourceful

Grow old at his home with all his wealth

Sparkling eyes

You and your sons will make name in history because you are so clever

Arrogant and self indulgent



Our future bright when he was still at home

Win fame for his son

Nameless, unknown

Eating, spoiling the house


Light feet


Black is the color of death? 

Unwavering, unflinching

Don’t flinch. 

As close to the floor as possible

With shoes and life in general, best to be maximally close to the floor?

Also with homes… Just one story, maximum closeness to the ground!

Even if you were a trillionaire, having a multi story home is actually not a desired thing. Less stability , worse?

Even with cars, the best car is like in the slammed to the floor, ideally as close to the floor as possible. Better to have like a Tesla model S plaid, lowered, or even a Tesla model three performance, not a cyber truck or any other lifted SUV vehicle.

Even in terms of cars, the best car actually might be like a McLaren, maximally like small compact, closest to the floor possible! And honestly, at this point, it really isn’t about power anymore, nobody really cares about how fast your car is because I just want the fastest car on the planet, you just buy a Tesla.But people don’t want this

The Real desires of people?