How to Make Free Money

The infinite money hack:

Assuming you have a pool of capital or, some money to lever, the strategy is simple– buy microstrategy stock (MSTR), which is 150% levered long bitcoin, which means that you take on a little bit more risk, would you take on greater yield! And then afterwards what you do then is when microstrategy trades up, and bitcoin is a bit low, you buy the bitcoin.

Sell microstrategy when it is high, buy bitcoin when it is low.

Therefore my investing thesis is simple; the ultimate purpose is to accumulate as many bitcoins as humanly possible, bitcoin is the end goal. And microstrategy is the vehicle or the channel or the transmission wire to get you there?

The reason why I like the strategy is that it is open, transparent, and honest. Michael Saylor is not playing any tricks here; he is 100% committed, 100% transparent about his approach, his ethos, and his ethics about the whole strategy. Everybody on the planet knows the microlstrategy strategy; the only reason you wouldn’t buy into it right now is because maybe you don’t have access to enough capital?

maybe the reason why we millennials know best is because we are skeptical about traditional metrics of success, and also, we don’t like traditional markets, also… We do not like notions of proprietary. We don’t really want to buy homes, we prefer to buy bitcoin instead!