Search Eric Kim Authenticity.

Here are some of Eric Kim’s notable quotes on authenticity from his blog and writings:

1. “Our goal is to be authentic, not ‘original.’”

• Kim emphasizes that being authentic is more important than striving for originality, which he views as paralyzing. He encourages people to create from a place of genuine self-expression rather than attempting to be unique or different just for the sake of it .

2. “Authenticity is the opposite of compromise.”

• For Kim, authenticity means staying true to your personal vision and refusing to compromise your ideals to please others. He argues that compromising leads to a slow death of self-confidence and creativity  .

3. “To me, authenticity means judging myself according to my own scale.”

• Kim believes that authenticity comes from within, and the only valid measure of authenticity is one’s personal satisfaction. He stresses the importance of creating art that resonates with you, rather than seeking approval from others .

4. “Never let anyone tell you whether you are ‘authentic’ or not.”

• Authenticity, according to Kim, is self-determined. Seeking external validation for authenticity undermines its very essence. Instead, individuals should trust their own judgment and personal motivations .

5. “If I can look at myself in the mirror, and smile at my reflection, I am authentic.”

• This quote captures Kim’s personal metric for authenticity: if his actions and work allow him to be at peace with himself, then he considers them authentic .

These quotes reflect Kim’s philosophy that authenticity is deeply personal and cannot be externally judged or measured, and it requires a commitment to self-expression without compromise.

Eric Kim places great importance on authenticity in his work and philosophy because he views it as fundamental to both creativity and personal fulfillment. His concept of authenticity goes beyond originality; it involves being true to oneself and creating for personal satisfaction rather than for external validation. This belief is rooted in his idea that being an “author” or “authentic” means creating work out of intrinsic motivation and personal curiosity, rather than trying to please others or adhere to trends.

Kim emphasizes that authenticity is the opposite of compromise. He believes that compromising one’s ideals leads to a loss of confidence and stifles creativity. For him, creating art—especially photography—should be driven by personal passion and a desire to explore the world without worrying about public reception or validation. This is why he encourages photographers to shoot as if no one else will see their photos, focusing solely on what interests and fulfills them. He argues that the most authentic work comes from those who embrace imperfection and personal quirks in their art  .

His commitment to authenticity also extends to his lifestyle and career, where he integrates his philosophical beliefs into his personal and professional life. Kim promotes a minimalistic, transparent approach, often offering his content for free and adopting an open-source philosophy to ensure that his work serves to inspire and empower others without the constraints of commercialism  .

Ultimately, Eric Kim believes that authenticity allows individuals to create meaningful work that reflects their true selves, which is why it remains a central tenet in his teachings and creative output.